Sonrise PayMaster$ LLC
Lebanon, PA
(717) 820-4156
(717) 222-5144
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Church Payroll
Nearly two-thirds of our payroll clients are churches.
Payroll processing for churches in the Commonwealth
of PA is quite confusing and complicated. The rules on
clergy payroll vary from IRS, to PA, to the local earned
income tax.
We are the leading provider of church payroll
services in our area and are confident that we will be
able to meet the needs of your church and exceed your
Many smaller payroll firms are simply not fully acquainted with the nuances of church/clergy payroll
matters and tend to make errors. The large national firms often do not fully understand or account for the
peculiarities of our state and local taxes in Pennsylvania when it comes to the clergy issues. So play it
safe and work with Sonrise PayMaster$ where we process church payrolls every day!